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Forest Bathing for work teams

Support your teams development and wellbeing

  • Various options
  • Various options

Service Description

In todays ever changing corporate landscape our teams can come under pressure. Managing staff wellbeing has been found to be an important factor in maintaining productivity and impacting positively on staff morale. Forest Bathing is an excellent and engaging way to support your teams wellbeing. Forest Bathing, also known as Shinrin-yoku, is the practice of immersing yourself in a forest or natural environment and mindfully engaging with its sights, sounds, and smells. Here are 7 good reasons to add it to your offer: 1. Stress reduction: Forest bathing promotes relaxation and reduces stress levels. The calming environment and exposure to nature help to lower cortisol (stress hormone) levels, blood pressure, and heart rate. 2. Improved mental health: Spending time in nature can uplift mood, reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, and enhance overall mental well-being. Forest bathing has shown to improve the symptoms of various mental health conditions. 3. Boosted immune system: The forest environment exposes individuals to phytoncides, volatile compounds emitted by trees and plants. Breathing in these phytoncides has been linked to increased activity of natural killer (NK) cells and other immune system functions, leading to improved immune function. 4. Increased cognitive function: Forest bathing can enhance cognitive function, including improved attention, focus, and creativity. Being in a natural environment helps alleviate mental fatigue and restore cognitive abilities. 5. Improved sleep: Spending time in nature, particularly during the day, can regulate sleep patterns and improve the quality of sleep. The exposure to natural light and fresh air helps synchronize circadian rhythms and promotes better sleep. 6. Physical health benefits: Increased physical activity through forest bathing, such as walking or hiking, contributes to improved cardiovascular health, fitness, and weight management. Being in nature also encourages outdoor activities, which can further benefit physical health. 7. Greater connection with nature: Forest bathing allows individuals to develop a deeper connection with the natural world, fostering a sense of awe, mindfulness, and gratitude. This connection with nature has been associated with higher life satisfaction and overall happiness. While Forest Bathing alone may not replace medical treatments or therapy, it serves as a complementary practice that can contribute to your teams overall health and wellbeing.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule please contact us at least 24 hours in advance

Contact Details

Locations around the North West (and beyond) to meet your needs. Based in Poynton, Stockport, Cheshire East, UK

Service Page: Bookings Service Page
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